Friday, April 20, 2012

Similarities, Differences, and Judgements

I'm a very interesting person so I'd hope that you'd please comment on this post and tell me what your thoughts are. I'd actually love to hear.


  1. Dear Ms. Malibran,
    Hello, it's nice to meet another fellow musician. You and I share several similarities, you know. First of all, we are both love music with a passion and are very skillful composers. Also, we are both female artists and had to work extra hard to become just as successful as any man could. We also have a few differences between us. I am a pianist while you are an opera singer. I am American and you are Spanish. You traveled a lot throughout your life and I only really traveled when I went on my three year tour to Europe. The list goes on and on.
    Overall, from what I've seen, you seem like you were a magnificent singer and musician in general. I had the chance to listen to the song you wrote: Rataplan. Truly, it was a marvolous piece. I enjoyed the fact that the soprano sang very crisply and cleanly. Beautifully written, I must say. I can't wait to hear more from you in the future.
    -Amy Beach

  2. Hello there, you are quite an interesting person I must say! We have a few things in common for example we both love to travel and we both started to perform at a young age, not to mention we both enjoy music. What makes us different is of course I am a clarinetist and composer while you are a singer. Also you were lucky enough to have your father as a mentor, my father didn't want me to become a musician at all! Haha well anyway, you have a very interesting blog and I am very interested in learning more about you!

  3. Well, Maria Malibran, its seems that we have a few things in common. For one, we were both exposed by our families to art at a very young age. For another, we were both mentored by our fathers. We are different too, of course. You are obviously a performer, while I am a quiet poet. Anyways, I enjoyed learning about you, and was very impressed by your accomplishments.

  4. Hello Ms. Malibran,
    We have a few things in common. We were both exposed at a young age to the arts. We are also performers. I was not mentored by my father though. I hope to talk to you soon.
    -Fanny Elssler

  5. Hello Ms. Malibran.
    Your blog is quite enjoyable!
    I do understand you as we are quite similar in both of us coming from high places in European society and while your family all had a passion for music my whole family believed in class and manners being one of the most important triats to have.
    Although, what I do not understand is your arrogance. That would have to be a difference between us, our manners.
    Above all my judgement of you is that you are a greatly talented artist who has yet to be introduced to the idea of modesty. Other than that, well done.

  6. Bonjor Ms. Malibran! I see we are very diffrent and similar in many ways! You sing as do I but we are diffrent because singing and music is not my major talent as I like to act. We also share the common place of growing up in france! Also we both very passionate and wonderful at our art! We differ because you began your art at a young age and I did not. We are also diffrent because my entire family does not not enjoy my art. Only my brother and I persue it with passion. in conclusion I would like to remark on you amazing talent!
